Bee Naturals For Shoes

20150411_205058Bee Naturals Beeswax & Carnauba Wax Shoe Polish & Conditioner

Bee Naturals shoe polish is a blend of carefully selected natural plant oils, beeswax and carnauba wax. We expertly blend tea tree, lemon, orange and eucalyptus essential oils, unrefined natural beeswax, and carnauba wax to condition and protect your footwear. Both beeswax and carnauba wax act as a natural protector and waterproofing agent for your shoes or boots. Eucalyptus, orange, lemon and pure tea tree essential oils prevent mildew and mould growth, and also prevent the stitching from weakening or breaking down. Bee Naturals will leave your footwear with a wonderful shine,  without using any nasty synthetic chemicals or silicon’s .  Bee Naturals beeswax and carnauba wax shoe polish and conditioner will feed the leather, deeply nourishing and protecting it from within, whilst providing excellent protection against the elements.


Bee Naturals Handmade traditional Leather dubbin is also perfect for waterproofing and protecting footwear, such as riding boots or rugby and football boots.

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